Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Blog

I have decided to start blogging about this new Depression we seem to be entering. Hopefully, it will be for naught and I can erase the blog when we all realize that these latest problems were just minor "corrections" and economic recovery and prosperity were always right around the corner.

The link is at the right. In the meantime, if you can spare a dime, have you noticed my books for sale? Have you seen my four kids? The books are good. I swear.


Zach said...


Anonymous said...

Funny pic. :-)

Odysseus said...


Of course, we all know it takes much more wood to burn a heretic. Some of those scum burn as well as wet clothes, really.

Anonymous said...

Out of sheer patriotism: :-)


Anonymous said...

And here's some MORE philetistic nationalism! :D

Odysseus said...

Bah! Yopu Romanians, just because you preserved the faith for 2,000 years, held off the Turks and weathered two world wars and a communist takeover, you think you're such a big deal!