Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm Lovin' This Race!

I was thinking about sitting this one out, or voting for Bob Barr. But this revived interest in John McCain for me. The thing I like most about it; he gambled. The man is seventy-two years old and he is still surprising us. I imagined he would go with the flow and pick Romney.

At first, I thought, what the Hell is McCain doing? This is his last shot and he goes for such a long shot? Then, as I became impressed with his choice and his willingness to reach WAY out and go against the grain (and get a pro-lifer and authentic conservative), I realized he wasn't going for disgruntled, pro-Hilary soccer Moms so much as he was rescuing those of us who were thnking about going for a third-party and draining support.

I am 100% for McCain now. I look forward to his leadership. Risky but brilliant.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, dude, the chick's like really hot, man. Just spotted her myself earlier today on Wikipedia. She's definitely got my vote, if ya know what I mean ... >;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, and she used to be a fan of my main man Patrick Buchanan.

sattvicwarrior said...

i like the fact that she’s put down sex education in school and yet her daughter is pregnant. oh the hypocrisy of it all.. a TRUE Christian for sure. where the main cornerstone of her warped philosophy gives a new meaning to the word BIGOT.. .

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Rob, I'm loving her, too. BTW, the only hypocrisy I see here is the "tolerance" of liberals.

Fr. J.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Rob, I'm loving her, too. BTW, the only hypocrisy I see here is the "tolerance" of liberals.

Fr. J.