Saturday, July 19, 2008

Now Praying for...

My wife, who became an American citizen yesterday.

(And let's pray for the country while we're at it...)


DimBulb said...

C'mon Rob, you couldn't go the extra mile for your wife and tack on a vidoe clip of Yankee Doodle Dandy? ;)

I'd take the time to find a better rendition though, if I were you. It is after all your wife.


Anonymous said...

God bless America! :-)

DimBulb said...

Your blog looks really screwed up! What did you do?

Odysseus said...


DimBulb said...

Whuh doesn't answer my question. Are you having a problem with something?

Odysseus said...

It looks fine to me. What's the problem you are seeing? Is something missing? I don't see any difference, except for new posts.

DimBulb said...

There are no sideboxes,in other words, your links and book advertisements are not showing. The normally narrow blog box which appears in the middle of the screen now takes up the whole screen. The background is a very dark blue, making the text of your posts almost impossible to read.

When I click on the individual blog post titles the post appear, looking normal, all except your last post with the youtube video. When I click that on the distortion remains.

Odysseus said...

Weird, it's not doing that on my computer. Is it just a problem with your view size? Let me sign out and see if it changes for me.