Sunday, September 6, 2015

Donald Trump Pledges to Stay in the GOP

I did not think that he would do it but apparently Donald Trump has pledged to support the GOP even in he loses the nomination. Given his stubborn and maverick style, I thought that he would refuse to do so and end up running as an independent if he could not pull off the nomination by next summer. Having thought it over for a couple of days, I think I can see a few good reasons why he would do so.

  • He cannot get on the ballot in some states without such a pledge. I think that this is a total bullshit move on part of the GOP but apparently some primaries, such as South Carolina, operate under such rules.
  • He is increasingly confident that he will, in fact, be the nominee and refusing the pledge accomplishes nothing.
  • Being the Donald, he has no intention of honoring the pledge if it works against him.
There is good reason for Donald Trump to sign it now that the latest poll shows him beating Clinton in a head-to-head election. The Trump avalanche in the GOP appears to be increasingly inevitable.

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