Thursday, February 21, 2013

Is The World Coming to an End?

In my work as a content writer, I have come across a lot of disaster porn on the Internet. This phenomenon manifests itself in websites devoted to survival of one or more catastrophes allegedly headed our way. The looming calamities tend to fall into three categories: physical cataclysms, economic ruin and worldwide spiritual downfall. Sometimes these imagined disasters are pictured happening at the same time or one as a result of the other.

The Cataclysmic Possibilities

There is a group of people out there that is eager to believe that an asteroid or comet is going to strike the Earth and kill a lot of us off. In 2009, it was the hardly believable threat from Hellion 1957 that caused at least a few score people to sleep uneasily for a few weeks or months that fall. Not long ago, the threat from DA 14 was much more believable and something sure happened that gave people plenty of reason to worry. The impact of a large meteorite in central Russia had conspiracy theorists humming.

Typically, in the forums that cater to discussions of these potential disasters, there is a reason that knowledge of impending destruction is limited to a chosen few. NASA is the usual target for these accusations. NASA knows that a big rock is headed this way and is covering it up under orders from a multi-national interest that is preparing a vault in Norway to hold all the necessary supplies to restart life on Earth for the chosen few. Themes that are constant among almost all strands of the disaster theory are that the Freemasons or the Jews are arranging all this or that they are somehow at fault.

The people most concerned about these possibilities are doing more than just starting blogs and pointing fingers. They are preparing. Racks of guns and buckets of bullets are just the starting point. If you look around the Internet, you will find packages of emergency food conveniently packaged into one-year supplies for sale. Survivalists are shelling out a lot of money at Sam’s Club for these provisions.

Economic Ruin

The Federal Reserve is the favorite target of certain groups of people who believe that the US dollar will soon suffer hyperinflation. Fools will wander the streets with barrels of greenbacks, vainly attempting to exchange their worthless paper for loaves of bread or used Xboxes. In the meantime, the wise will hole up in their homes with guns and gold, prepared to set society straight once the masses starve or recognize who their rightful masters really are. 

Soon you'll be wishing you were this dude.

Believers in this particular disaster flock to websites that preach the gold gospel. This message from the wise details the ways in which solid gold is superior to fiat money. When paper currencies are good for nothing more than starting fires, the owners of gold will have the only valuable assets on the planet. People who have food and guns, naturally, will be able to take the gold anytime that they want.

The Worldwide Spiritual Downfall of Man

Some of these above disasters are just background to the root cause of global destruction. It was all foretold in the Book of Revelations. What wasn’t told there was told in St. Malachy’s prophetic list of the Popes. Additional information can be found in the Edgar Cayce diaries apparently.

While the other disaster scenarios suggest certain physical ways of surviving, these methods will do little good when the Anti-Christ shows up. Go ahead and shoot.  He will burn your ass to cinders. The only way to save yourself is to read your Bible and pray that the rapture takes you.

There are many more vividly imagined disasters just waiting to happen. If you have some alternative way in which we may all die gruesomely, please feel free to add them in the comments.

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