Saturday, April 3, 2010

Reflection on the Liturgy of the Lord's Passion

Last night I went to the Good Friday liturgy for the first time since college.  Since I don't remember my college days all that well, it was all new to me.  Now, I frequently go the Easter Vigil mass and will again tonight.  One thing that I have always liked about that mass is watching the change in the altar and the return of the Eucharist. 

Last night however, a few minutes into the service, I was disturbed by the emptiness of the tabernacle.  Of course, I am always disturbed by this at the Easter Vigil mass; but I am consoled by the knowledge that, by the end of mass, the Eucharist will be returned.  It was altogether more disturbing last night, realizing that I was going to leave in an hour, and the tabernacle would remain empty.  I had to walk out of the church and leave an empty tabernacle behind.

I didn't like the feeling.  I'm sure I was meant to feel that way.

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