Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday seems a bit awkward.  We are not required to keep the fast and abstinence of Good Friday, but it also seems absurd to start celebrating.  Yet, with the beautiful weather today in Northern Arizona, it is hard to focus on the absence of Christ.  He seemed so wonderfully present as I played with my sons behnd the house today - He was in the sun, the flowers, the intermittent creakings of the swingset and the wind that blew at opportune moments, refreshing any too-still moment with the sudden chaos of swirling dust and dancing grass.


The Blogger Formerly Known As Lvka said...

Christ is risen!

A happy little Easter to you and your family, Rob! :-)

Odysseus said...

He's only risen in your half of the world! We've still got hours to go! :-)

Thanks, Lucian. Happy Easter.