But after the election I told my kids (the older, rational ones), "There will not be one disrespectful word in this house about our new President. I will probably disagree with him many times, but we will never permit any insults or verbal mistreatment of the man himself." After all, we aren't whiny, craven grumblers like many other people out there. I tell them they must always respect their leaders, even if they disagree with them.
I must say that I have moved beyond that grudging acceptance to a certain amount of cautious admiration. Yes, he does support abortion, even pledging to pass the FOCA bill (essentially turning abortion into an undeniable human right) and his socialist tax ideas scared me off during the campaign.
But I was impressed, first of all, by his choice of Rahm Immanuel for his chief of staff. I obviously have philosophical differences with the man, but I was happy to see that Obama didn't pick some pie-in-the-sky, dream-befuddled nice guy. He picked a real @$$hole to be his chief of staff. And I like people like that. Maybe it comes form my years in education and administration: I like straightforward people who come right at you; hence my disregard for most Democrats.
Since then he has done, I think, a good job at picking his lieutenants. We are going to have, at least, knowledgeable people running things, even if I disagree with some of them about their goals. And he is apparently going to avoid the mistake politicans made in the 1930's, raising taxes in the face of a recession and turning it into the Great Depression.
I wish my new President luck in his endeavours, and I vow to pray for him.
Nothing more to say, no more ace to play: Obama takes it all; Sarah's standing small; besides the victory, that's their destiny..
At least he's half white.
Maybe it comes form my years in education and administration
Oh, yeah: when Catholics ruled the world; those were the times, baby!
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