Psalm 2 seems to flow well into the beginning of any Gospel, particularly Mark's since it lacks an infancy narrative and almost immediately begins to relate the adult life of the King of Kings.
John, whom Jesus regards as the greatest born from woman, is in the wilderness.He is as poor, in a material sense, as one can be. Barely clothed, nearly starved and without a home. This is the great man of our story here.
He makes me think of those Starving Buddha statues I have seen in pictures of the Far East. Like an Eastern mystic, John is barely alive by our standards, yet the most truly alive of anyone.
Must we all, in some sense, become as bare and vulnerable as John is in order to properly welcome Christ?
Can I?
PS - Psalm 105, in its recounting of the heroes of the books of Moses, reminded me of how the Bible is divided into two parts, Old Testament and New Testament. The books of Moses, the five books of the Pentateuch, are also so divided. Genesis sets the story up, and then the following four books tell of the savior, Moses, and how he gets Israel out of its predicament. Is this a type of the whole of scripture - Genesis representing the Old Testament and the next four books prefiguring the New Testament, in particular the Gospels?
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