Sunday, September 14, 2008

How can this be?

Let x equal the repeating decimal 0.99999999...

x = 0.9999999999999...

and 1000x = 999.9999999....

Then subtract x (or its equivalent 0.999999999...) from each side.


999x = 999

Thus x= 1.



Anonymous said...

the diference between 1 and 0.(9) is obviously 1/Infinite = 0.

Odysseus said...

It sill blows me away. I was reading in a calculus textbook and they said, "since 1.0 and .99999... are two different ways to represent the number 1" and I thought, "WHere the hell did they get that idea?"

Then they showed me!


Anonymous said...

There are other easier ways:

1/9 = 0.(1)
1/3 = 0.(3)

1/9 * 9 = 1
1/9 * 9 = 0.(1) * 9 = 0.(9)

1/3 * 3 = 1
1/3 * 3 = 0.(3) * 3 = 0.(9)

Odysseus said...


Burn him! Burn him!

Anonymous said...

Simple numerHology, Rob ... >;)