Sunday, May 18, 2008

Four-Year Scripture Schedule

This schedule represents an attempt, not simply to "read the whole Bible", but to always read scripture.

Over the course of four years, the reader will read all the books of the Bible. Each "scriptural year" starts on August 16th with the Pre-Advent Schedule, which always begins with the book of Genesis. Other books are encountered on a rotational basis.

This schedule is aimed at use by working people, who may only be able to dedicate 30 to 60 minutes each day to strictly spiritual matters.

General Plan

I. Pre-Advent (August 16th to Saturday before Advent - approximately 105 days): Historical and Wisdom books from the Old Testament.

II. Advent (First Sunday of Advent until December 23rd - approximately 25 days): Prophecies from the Old Testament

III. Christmas (December 24th until the Tuesday before Lent - between 45 and 70 days): One gospel

IV. Lent (Ash Wednesday until Holy Saturday - 44 days): The Book of Job

V. Easter (Easter Sunday until the Saturday before Pentecost - 49 days): The Acts of the Apostles

VI. Pentecost (Pentecost Sunday until Assumption - approximately 90 days): A selection of New Testament books.

In viewing the four-year layout, notice that there are certain "rotations". The first two years are heavy with historical writings. In the third year, there is much less, though the book of Ecclesiasticus does begin a recapitulation of the patriarchs in it’s 44th chapter. Year four skips, over much history, directly to the return from exile, which the previous years overlook. The New Testament is also broken down - according to author and focus. Each year concludes with the Apocalypse of St. John. The Psalms will be prayed before and after each reading.

Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Year Four


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.

Odysseus said...

You're Welcome, Insurance Spam!